哈维尔·卡马拉,劳尔·阿雷瓦洛,坦米·布兰查德,Carmen Ruiz,Sarah Sokolovic,格洛里亚·穆诺兹,Juan Villarreal,Bill Blechinberg,Luis Carlos de La Lombana,Miguel Belmonte,朱莉娅·穆尼,Amy Gaipa,Twinkle Burke,Johnny Solo,Peter Gregus
林聚聚作为House M.D的深井冰小弟仿佛还在昨天,虽然没有在Disney+看首映,但是第二时间刷完了。之前没有完整的看过,但是经典的唱段比如satisfied, my shot都听了无数遍。小乔真的是搞笑担当,承包了全场的笑点。Leslie还是POI里的样子。评论区里喷中国人不配看音乐剧的真的笑死我了; 而Ulyssess V说的就非常的中肯,另外我参考LMM的推特“Why so many Biggie references in Hamilton? Because as a storyteller, he's unmatched. He set the bar: we're all reaching for it.”,而他在15年的采访里也说了Hamilton让他想起了2pac。(估计我太low,没get到太多相似度) 我cue一下 Life goes on
2/16/2021 rewatch. Still too lefty for my world view. Although I disagree the remarks that characterized John Steinbeck and this work as communism. I hold the same position as John Ford did. I was completely sympathetic to Joad family. But I was not quite convinced the story being a great social study.