1.0Daniel Peera,Michael C. Pizzuto,Alistair David Herz,Nicholas Adam Clark,William Will Daubert,Kelly Donahue,Brock Everett,Michael Gitomer,Derrick Hunter,Amber Renee Jenkins,Lauren Knutti,Kate McIntyre,Todd Ramsey Moore,Michael A. Pina,Jason Pon
看这片让我想起了当年被英美文学支配的恐惧What did it mean??What's the background??denote what??simile?metaphor?? quota??diction?? 然后human nature … immoral?? 1885 Labouchere Amendment (虽然背景应该从文中读) 腐国不愧是腐国 「…Your body is his temple…」 休叔还说别人是dangerous man🤪我看你才危险 你应该演莫里斯 比较想看休叔被虐 莫里斯让史库德留下 就像「苏丽珍一张船票」的另一面 I would have gone through life half-awake 我将半梦半醒的度过余生